
Remove color and this could be water. It’s actually a celebratory glass of pinot grigio.
Remove color and this could almost be water. It’s actually a celebratory glass of pinot grigio.

October 6: Water

My blood was drawn Friday—a “stat” order I might add—and I slowly watched my lab results appear online. CBC with differential and ferritin, thanks for boring me. The only result I wanted to see was the only result I was unable to. I managed to distract myself well enough that I didn’t stew about it, though I was starting to get anxious as Monday afternoon approached and I still hadn’t heard anything.

Worth the wait: Friday beta hCG was 121. I may yet avoid a D&C! Cheers to that!

Bloodwork later this week to determine if it’s decreasing satisfactorily.

October photo-a-day challenge
October photo-a-day challenge by MRKH Mummy to Be. #letsgetsnappy